The Straw Hat Pirates, also known as the Mugiwara Pirates, Straw Hat Crew or simply the Straw Hats, are an infamous and powerful pirate crew that originated from the East Blue. They are the main focus and protagonists of the manga and anime One Piece and are led by the main protagonist Monkey D. Luffy.

The "Straw Hats" are named after Luffy's signature hat that was given to him by "Red-Haired" Shanks and are first referred to as the Straw Hat Pirates by Smoker in the Arabasta Kingdom. The crew sailed on the Going Merry, their first official Straw Hat ship, up until the Water 7 Arc. During the Post-Enies Lobby Arc, Franky and Iceburg built them a new ship which was named the Thousand Sunny by Iceburg, even though the members fought over different names. Following the events on the Sabaody Archipelago, all the members were separated from one another by Bartholomew Kuma, a then-Warlord of the Sea and undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army. For two years, they trained in relatively isolated locations, becoming stronger for the sake of helping each other. They then reunited and have since continued to be a dynamic force in the New World, greatly disrupting the balance of the Three Great Powers, which would eventually lead to their captain being recognized as one of the Four Emperors.

The crew currently consists of ten members, being smaller than a typical pirate crew; when he first set sail, Luffy set a goal of gaining ten crewmates. They have one former member, Nefertari Vivi, who sailed with the crew from Reverse Mountain to the Arabasta Kingdom. Despite their small size, the Straw Hats are an extremely diverse group possessing a large variety of backgrounds. Their members' origins range from ordinary islanders and workers to bounty hunters, royalty, criminal gang members, and veteran pirates; Jinbe was once part of the renowned Seven Warlords of the Sea while Robin was an active enemy of the crew at one point with Baroque Works. The crew consists of eight humans, one fish-man, and one animal with Devil Fruit-powered human intellect; of the humans, Sanji possesses superhuman modifications given to him at birth, Franky is a cyborg, and Brook possesses a skeleton body after being resurrected by a Devil Fruit power. They range in age from 17 (Chopper) to 90 (Brook); the median age of the crew is 21.

During their adventures, the crew members have often split into smaller groups to achieve multiple targets or tasks. Mostly, the group are divided by the common tasks of island exploring (often led by Luffy), ship guarding (often led by Zoro who wishes to nap or by Usopp who is afraid to disembark), and supply gathering (led by Sanji or Nami for food and finance). When encountering enemies, the crew would often fight individually against their rivals, but they sometimes fight in small groups like Usopp and Chopper in Arabasta or during the Davy Back fight. They first started splitting into teams during the Skypiea Arc. After realizing that the lost city of Gold was on Upper Yard, they split the crew into the Escape Team (脱出組 Dasshutsu Gumi?) consisting of Sanji, Nami and Usopp, as well as their patient Gan Fall, and the Search Team (探索組 Tansaku Chīmu?, Funimation: Exploration Team) which was made up of Luffy, Zoro, Chopper and Robin.[26] The Exploration Team was assigned to find the city and steal the treasure before making it back to the ship, however they ended up getting split up after running into the giant python Nola. The Escape Team were meant to sail the ship to their rendezvous point at the coast, though Sanji and Usopp ended up getting ambushed by Enel, who stopped by to talk to Gan Fall. The ship eventually made it to the coast thanks to Conis and Pagaya, but Nami (along with Aisa who was picked up by the two) was chased away from the ship by Nola.

Monkey D. Luffy (Captain and member of the Monster Trio)
Roronoa Zoro (Swordsman and member of the Monster Trio)
Nami (Navigator)
Usopp (Sniper)
Vinsmoke Sanji Chef and member of the Monster Trio)
Tony Tony Chopper (Doctor)
Nico Robin (Archaeologist)
Franky (Shipwright)
Brook (Musician)
Jinbe (Helmsman)